In recent years, homeowners have become aware that solar energy is a home efficiency upgrade well worth investing in. Using energy from the sun is not a new idea, but in the past decade, property owners are becoming more cognizant of the necessity of renewable energy to keep the earth healthy. Additionally, a residential solar installation in Orange County can help protect the environment. Here are the top five reasons why solar energy is more popular than ever.

  1. Solar panels protect against utility price increases. Residential electric rates have risen an average of between three and four percent each year for the past decade. Smart homeowners invest in solar energy to fix the electricity rate and protect against unwanted increases.
  1. Many states offer tax incentives for solar installation. Homeowners can take advantage of rebates and tax breaks for purchasing and installing solar equipment. Contact Orange County residential solar companies about adding value to your property.
  1. Using solar energy can drastically reduce electric costs. Adding solar collection panels to your roof can reduce your utility costs by 75 to 90 percent. Since electrical costs can often be a large part of a home’s monthly expenses, lowering the bills can save you thousands over the system’s 25-year lifetime.
  1. Homes equipped with solar systems often have a higher property value than those without the units. As homebuyers look for ways to reduce their carbon footprint, they are often willing to pay more for homes with solar energy panels. Additionally, appraisers are becoming aware that Orange County residential solar companies are raising the desirability of energy efficient homes when they install solar panels.
  1. You can reduce your carbon footprint by using solar energy. Carbon emissions from homes can be up to 38 percent of that present in the environment. By employing solar energy, you can help decrease carbon amounts significantly and protect your future.

Not only can using solar power cut energy costs, but solar panels can increase property value, and reduce carbon footprints. Look into a residential solar installation in Orange County for your home to find out if solar energy is right for you.